Eli Young Band

Eli Young Band

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I cannot count the times that I've started humming "When It Rains" on days that I am feeling down and I'm sporting a frown. I can still feel the passion in "Guinevere" as I set my iPod on repeat and pound out the miles on a treadmill. I will never forget the moment that I stood with my arm around my sister, tears of sisterhood streaming down my face, as the band struck up our song, "Crazy Girl." What about the times we drove down an actual dirt road, in a Ford pickup truck, windows down, screaming out the lyrics to "Even If It Breaks Your Heart." I could go on for days, about every single song since their third album Jet Black & Jealous (2008) --- that is eight years after the band started, BTW.

They released a new album this year, Fingerprints, which is every bit as raw as the true-blue fan could hope. Taking the wheel on this album, the band wrote eight out of the 11 tracks including the title track FingerprintsNever Land, and God Love the Rain. 

I'm proud to bring you this episode with the legendary Eli Young Band. 
Thanks for listening and subscribing! 
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Instagram: @EliYoungBand
Twitter: @EliYoungBand



Two Way Crossing

Two Way Crossing